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To Lead

The world needs voices of wisdom.

If the system does not work, then the system must change.

This includes Parliament, democracy and capitalism.

The capacity to lead reveals itself through vision, action and the practice of service.

A leader/teacher/facilitator develops the role of authority through dedication to others and wise counsel.


Wise leadership listens to others, employs creative imagination. takes risks for the welfare of people animals and the environment.

 Common Mindset of the Authoritarian

The authoritarian type lives in conflict with themselves and in conflict with others. 


A person with prejudices believes in their reactive and negative impressions of a group of people as the truth of those people

Areas for Reflection

Areas to reflect on before taking an action

Prepare a Talk

Helpful points to remember in in preparing a talk to give to a group of people, large or small.

 Intimidation by an Authority

Your integrity and dignity take priority over other considerations

The Power of Non-Doing

Reflection on non-doing

Tips on Public Speaking

Comprehensive tips on public speeking including content, attitude, tone and confidence.

10 Worldly Conditions for 

Human Beings

Ten Worldly Conditions to Share with Others

What is wisdom?

Reflections on Wisdom

Facing an Authoritarian

The authoritarian type reveals himself or herself in the private and public sector, Such people make life difficult for others

12 Guidelines for


Helpful points to remember for campaigners

Three Important 

Aspects of Speech

To approach our

communications as consciously as possible.

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