An Engaged Life
Who is an Agent of Change?
An Agent of Change
Aims to reduce fear and blame, conflict and suffering.
Co-operates to transform unresolved issues in our institutions.
Cultivates a sustainable lifestyle.
Cultivates and teaches mindfulness, meditation and supportive practices.
Develops ethics, empathy and co-operation with others with similar values.
Develops others as Agents of Change.
Develops the power of communication.
Enables wisdom and compassion take priority in daily life.
Engages in meetings and assemblies to explore worthwhile actions.
Gives support to meaningful change in the public and private sector.
Is committed to non-violent action.
Learns from teachers/mentors to support work as Agents of Change.
Makes use of meetings/workshops/courses/retreats.
Offers practices for the well-being and health of mind, body and spirit.
Offers wise counsel to those in need.
Organises events and programmes for the benefit of people, animals and nature.
Recognises the value of a mindful and spiritual approach to change.
Reveals corruption and exploitation.
Shares experience and knowledge for inner-outer transformation.
Supports charities, trusts and foundations showing compassion.
Supports children and teenagers for their body/mind health, spiritual questions and their concerns for the future of the Earth.
Uses the arts/culture; art, books, dance, film, music, poetry, plays, to raise awareness, insights and inspiration.