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Loving Kindness

Be relaxed and comfortable.

Close the eyes and access a warm, caring heart.

Be aware of the absence of ill will, desire to hurt or hate in the heart.

Experience loving kindness towards all, including yourselves.

Generate this warmth to those who are in the immediate vicinity and those far away.

Develop this meditation so kindness becomes firm and steady despite challenges.


  • May people everywhere be free from suffering and pain.

  • May I abide with a warm heart, clear mind and be free from pain.

  • May my teachers, community, loved ones, friends and contacts be free from suffering.

  • May my mother and father be free from suffering and pain.

  • May my brothers, sisters and relatives be free from suffering and pain.

  • May my children and grandchildren be free from suffering and pain.

  • May people appreciate their inter-dependence with each other and their environment.

  • May creatures in the ground, on the ground, in the air and water live in safety.

  • May my daily activities through body, speech and mind support well-being of all.

  • May I find the resources for the welfare of others.

  • May I be willing to take risks for the well-being of others.

  • May the three kinds of people in the world, namely the friendly, strangers and the unfriendly be free from suffering and pain.

  • May my words and actions contribute to the reduction of suffering and pain in the world.

  • May all beings know happiness.

  • May all beings know love.

  • May all beings support each other.

  • May all beings be free.

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