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Five Ethics For Society

The dedicated application of ethics serves as a foundation for a sane society.

  1. We undertake the training to restrain from killing and any support for killing.

  2. We undertake the training to restrain from stealing, holding back that which belongs elsewhere.

  3. We undertake the training to restrain from sexual exploitation, abuse and harm of others.

  4. We undertake the training to restrain from lying, false and deceptive communications.

  5. We undertake the training to restrain from abuse of alcohol and drugs, recreational or not.


The positive outcome of respecting the five precepts is:


  1. To protect life, human and animal, rather than support wars, executions and violence.

  2. To offer security to people’s land, goods and money.

  3. To give safety and health to adults and children.

  4. To speaks what is true and useful.

  5. To keep us mindful and healthy.

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