An Engaged Life
12 Causes
of Climate Change
with approximate percentage
per industry
Average temperature of the Earth has doubled in 50 years. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and nitrous oxide, trap heat causing dramatic swings in weather from melting of ice caps, glaciers, severe cold, rising seas, massive flooding, droughts, famine and pollution of land, water and air. Emissions trap heat from the sun in the Earth’s atmosphere.
There is a worldwide impact on health of human beings, animals and the environment.
Humans and animals face loss of habitat and more and more extinction of species in the eco-system.
Each of the causes dependently arise on the others. All are linked to the ideology of economic growth, consumerism and human desire for more and more.
Around 100 of the world’s major global companies cause climate change.
Here are 12 Causes of Climate Change with Approximate Percentage per Industry
Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas, fracking), for electricity and gas is the main cause of climate change Emissions count for around 30 per cent.
Transport, air, sea and road, causes around 15%. Much of it for pleasure, consumerism and globalisation of goods. Plus led-acid batteries, as in vehicles.
Manufacturing of materials/constructions around 13%, much of it to satisfy consumerism
Agriculture. Chemical fertilisers. Pesticides. Nitrous Oxide. Methane from farm animals. 11 %
Deforestation. Rainforests and forests in the temperate zone. 10% or more.
Fuel Combustion. Burning of fuel, heating in factories, public buildings and homes. 8%
Industrial production. Especially cement and aluminium. 5%
Emissions from factory chimneys, such as gas flares, households 5%
Waste. Landfill sites. Producing methane gas. 3%
Shipping. Such as container ships and cruise liners. 30 cruise ships emit in a day as much air pollution as all the cars in Britain. Air pollution on deck is worse than a city centre. 3%
Refrigeration. 1.4 billion refrigerators. 1.6 billion air condition units, plus refrigeration in trucks, supermarkets, factories, hospitals etc. Plus, disposal of unwanted units. Used for refrigeration, the coolant, HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons) function as a greenhouse gas 1000 to 9000 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. No percentage figures available.
Mining. Chemical manufacturing. Dye Industry, Fracking. Release of carbon dioxide, nitrous acids. Also causes air pollution, smog, acid rain.