An Engaged Life
Factors common to Religions
It is easy to fall into the habit of thinking that our own religion is the ‘best’ one and that other believers have got it wrong. The following two lists show that religions, even from diverse cultural and historical backgrounds, have more in common—for good or for ill - than we may think.
Positive factors
Acts of compassion, service, and generosity
Affirms moral basis for life
Change through devotion, faith, meditation, realization, or revelation
Enduring values—love, peace, justice
Means for social change
Recognition of community life
Rituals pointing to “mysterium tremendum”
Support in the face of suffering
Transcendence of cultural conditioning
Points to the highest truth
Negative factors
Acts done in the name of God that produce suffering
Belief in the absolute authority of book, master, or tradition
Belief in the superiority of one’s own faith
Discrimination against women denied full ordination
Lack of genuine appreciation of the sacredness of life
Male hierarchical structures and privileges
Priority of nationalism before enduring religious values
Promise of a Utopia—herein or hereafter
Submissive, unquestioning obedience
Support for wars and the political establishment.